Wednesday 7 November 2012

Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

Ever notice how when the bread comes out before your meal you can eat roll after roll without stopping?? Restaurant bread is typically high in calories and low in fiber so it won’t fill you up as much as other food options. An easy way to avoid these unnecessary extra calories is to ask the waitress or waiter not to bring out the bread basket or chips. If it is not in front of you then you won’t have a hard time saying no!
If you’re absolutely starving and can’t wait for your meal then go ahead and order a quick appetizer like a shrimp cocktail or mussels that are high in protein, low in carbs and will curb your hunger until your main course arrives!Most of the time, eating the bread is just a way to pass time so one roll easily turns into five before you even take notice. Avoiding the bread all together is the best choice, but if you are eating out for business and feel obligated to take a piece of bread then head for a breadstick instead since they are the lower calorie option. Be conscious of how much you are eating if you can’t avoid it and always place your portion on your plate. Don’t allow yourself to eat more than one portion by reminding yourself that you have a whole meal on the way. If you are aimlessly reaching into the bowl, chances are you’ll lose track and end up regretting it later!

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

 Bread Basket

Bread Basket

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