Thursday 15 November 2012

Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

A standard hot dog doesn't do much for me. Meat log wrapped in bread? Doesn't it sound like it's missing something?Yes. Yes it is. It's missing avocado mashings, diced tomatoes and onions, and a loopy squiggle of mayonnaise. Make it yourself or go to your nearby purveyor of Chilean-style hot dogs. In my case, I went to San Antonio Bakery #2 in Astoria, Queens with Olivia, Tristan, and John because I probably wouldn't go through the trouble of making it on my own, even if involves little more effort than making a standard, non-condiment-laden hot dog. And that's what bothers me; it wouldn't exactly drain the energies of hot dogs places to splodge on those extra bits of tastiness that most hot dogs lack. Spoon on some avocado mush and squeeze on the mayo; booya, your hot dog just became awesomer! Or better yet, spoon on the mayo in giant heaps. Things just can't help but taste better when smothered with emulsified egg yolks and oil.
I wished that San Antonio's hot dogs had more mayo-smothering action. The condiment-to-hot dog ratio is pretty balanced, though. Stare into the meat log. Yes.

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

 Bakery San Antonio

   Bakery San Antonio


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