Friday, 9 November 2012

3 Dog Bakery

3 Dog Bakery

A dog bakery is a business that produces fresh baked goods for dogs. The first dog bakery, Famous Fido, opened in 1979 on Chicago, Illinois's north side. Many dog bakeries carry specialty pastries and treats especially for dogs with allergies, dietary needs, or bad breath.Three Dog Bakery (TDB) began their business with an idea and a cheap cookie cutter. Since that unbelievable day, since they found their success, the guys and dogs have decided to give back to the public in ways that many can only dream of doing. Earlier this year Three Dog Bakery’s Del Mar, California branch raised over 325 pound of food plus an additional 50 pounds of treats to stock up Helen Woodward Animal Center’s (HWAC) AniMeals program.AniMeals was a program established by HWAC to help feed pets of seniors that are homebound in the San Diego community. The program was developed clear back in 1984 when a volunteer with the Meals-on-Wheels program ascertained that a client was saving part of the food that had been delivering to her to eat and saving it for her cats.

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

 3 Dog Bakery

3 Dog Bakery

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